When I first watched the Matrix I was appalled by Hollywood’s audacity to steal some of my ideas, specially classifying Humans as Viruses and not Mammals – because mammals adapt to their surroundings and viruses devour their environment destroying everything.
Since I had no physical evidence for originality claims other than the few witnesses that I had stated the concept to long before it was made cool by the movie, all I could do was to let it go and learn from the mistake.
Now wait, I am not staking claim to the whole movie here just some concepts, the other stuff was new to me.
Deja vu being a glitch in the system was definitely unique.
The Hindus have long believed that the Deja vu is the reminiscence of a past life, which has a problem theoretically how can past life have present memories.
I have contemplated this thought and it could not make sense because a past life on the same time line cannot have Baskin and Robins at the same place say some 200 years ago.
My theory – maybe we are on a replay loop and everything that we think that we are doing new is actually a repeat performance.
Perhaps it is not replay of all the same, it is perhaps a replay of the scenario with minor differences like a decision tree or a AND/OR logic gate.
If this was true it would mean, that the master program is running on an infinite loop and once it reaches its ultimate conclusion it will reset, reconfigure and restart – and this time around it would execute a different logical path.
Following this theory raises a question, is the logical path or the decision tree at a sub-particle, particle level or at level of complex structures? So for instance if you are to say that from the beginning to the end each atom (or sub-particle) will execute the program on all its possibilities/variables you would end up with infinite possibilities. In reality these infinite possibilities will be finite but the number will be so large it will be equivalent to say infinity.
Why? Let’s say you bought chocolate cone ice cream from a store that sells only two flavors, next time around you may buy vanilla, and then swirl, the time after that you may get it with toppings – which kind? All kinds – one by one, after that in a cup, the run after that you may get it from a different store where there are 32 flavors each of those possibilities would need to play out. You got to the store in a car which make and model doesn’t matter because at each loop it will be a different color and make and model and then bikes. Going even further back you were born in Texas, there are 49 other states that you will take turns to being born in and so on and this is how you end up with infinite possibilities for each scenario.
Deja vu may very well be where consecutive scenarios are extremely close in possibilities and since the only thing that changed between the scenarios is chocolate and vanilla – hence you get the feeling that this has happened before.
Biology says otherwise, definitely less dramatic than mine. For science to study any phenomena and be termed scientific its method of inquiry must be based on empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles and the observations and results must be repeatable, testable, and confirmable.
Doctors studying patents who experience persistent and chronic Deja vu identified damage to the portions of temporal lobes of the patient’s brains, concluding that for normal people Deja vu may be a minor epileptic episode where images being processed by the visual cortex of the brain are not in-sync with other portions of the brain.
Our brain processes images at a conscious and subconscious level and that is how at times we get emotional responses to pictures. Images captured by the sight are interpreted at the visual cortex however they are sent to other portions of the brain as well for example the preliminary visual processing area (midbrain tectum) and when images are received in various areas out of sequence the brain develops a subconscious response as if it had experienced this before.
Then there is the explanation by the Physicists, who tend to believe that there is a multiverse (opposite of universe) even in our living rooms and we are all waves vibrating at a certain frequency in this multiverse and these multiverse themselves also vibrate.
Steven Weinberg a Nobel Laureate describes this phenomena as, imagine you are in your living room listening to FM 100 at 100.1 frequency but all other frequencies for all other radio stations are in your living room you cannot hear them – why because you are tuned to FM 100.1.
So as time evolved multiverse decoupled and started to vibrate at different frequencies creating an impermeable barrier between the two, you are trapped in this universe because you vibrate at an atomic or sub-atomic level in coherence with the universe that you exist in.
Perhaps Deja vu is just your brain picking up electromagnetic interference from a parallel universe.
I still tend to promote my theory, which does have some conciliation and provides hope for humankind – somewhere in one of the multiverses Marilyn Monroe survived, James Dean never had a car wreck, Edison discovered solar power, and there is a version of me with Mila Kunis or a rich Syrian Princes.
And by the way Deja vu is not the only Vu out there. You have Jamais vu, Presque vu, and Reja vu out there as well.
So in the famous of words of a theoretical physics sci-fi icon – “the truth is out there”.
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