Professionalism is dead

Webster defines a professional as someone who is engaged in one of the learned professions, is characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession, and exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace.

Just by the very definition one can see how far off the corporate world is today.

Ironically, desensitizing and emotionless engagement in managing the affairs of a business and staff has become the only “corporate” definition of professionalism.

This is incorrect.

I think emotional engagement is very critical when it comes to effective management and it has no bearing on professionalism. A person can be a professional and humane, considerate and engaged at the same time.

Having said that, this is not the only issue, it is a small part of the issue. The concern here is “technical” and “ethical” standards of a profession.

Unfortunately due to short-term gains overriding long-term objectives, almost every organization has compromised on technical and ethical standards – resulting in the mess that we have today.

The organizations that can effectively juggle their short-term interests with long-term objectives are making a name for themselves that is unmatched.

There is a connection with between the emotional engagement and the technical standards. Obscure as it may be, but the challenge here is that most people are afraid. They are afraid of the consequences, risks, or just afraid of nonconformity with the corporate culture.

And that is where the onus is on the Managers, a good manager should have the ability to eliminate fear from his team, engage with them at a human-to-human level, so that creativity and innovation could flow.


Mani Masood

A seasoned professional in IT, Cybersecurity, and Applied AI, with a distinguished career spanning over 20+ years. Mr. Masood is highly regarded for his contributions to the field, holding esteemed affiliations with notable organizations such as the New York Academy of Sciences and the IEEE – Computer and Information Theory Society. His career and contributions underscores his commitment to advancing research and development in technology.

Mani Masood

A seasoned professional in IT, Cybersecurity, and Applied AI, with a distinguished career spanning...