We have all experienced some amazing and some not so amazing interview questions during our lifetimes. Most of the times the first question that comes to my mind is if the interviewers have ever gone through any training.
Yes, all managers in the company have been trained on interview questions.
They’ve been told that there are huge numbers of questions that now cannot be asked, jokes must be avoided and certain subjects are taboo for reasons of political correctness.
HR have done all they can by simulating interviews and so on. These newly empowered and aware people can be unleashed upon the unsuspecting world of applicants – or can they?
Did all that training work?
Here is a collection of nice interview questions that friends and colleagues have experienced
Case 1
“How old was your father when he died?”
“What? er, 76”.
“What work did he do?”
“he, well, he ran a coffee shop”
“did he enjoy his work?”
“Excuse me but what’s this got to do with my application for a job? You’re too late to offer my father a job – he’s been dead for 12 years”
Case 2
“Your next interview will be on your technical knowledge”
“So, if I asked you at that interview if you knew what an ‘OC7’ was, could you answer the question?”
“well, how would you answer it?”
“I’d answer it by saying – ‘I don’t know’ “
Case 3
“Do you think there’s a female perspective to this issue Pascale”
“Yes, I assume so”
“Could you articulate it?”
“Why not?”
“You do realize, after talking to me for half an hour, that I’m a man?”
Case 4
“Visual impact in this role is important. It’s front-line and customer-facing, so it’s imperative that a degree of smartness is portrayed at all times. How would you change to achieve that?”
At that point, the HR person present as an observer put their face into their hands.
Case 5
“We believe strictly in equal opportunities for all, even women”.
The guy concerned here was taken away by HR and the guys in white coats for some remedial therapy.
Case 6
“What did you make of the job specification?”
“I haven’t received a job specification – just a general overview”
“Oh, that sounds like an error. We’ll get one to you. So, do you think you can meet the detailed demands of the job?”
“Well, I don’t really know what they are in detail because I haven’t seen the job spec”
“Right! What about the leadership aspects of the job?”
“Look, I’m sorry to be difficult but again I can’t answer because I haven’t seen the spec. Do you have a copy here? I’d assumed I’d be handed one while waiting”
“Um, no, I don’t seem to have a copy on file – but we’ll get one sent to you. So, moving on, why do you think your skills are a close match for our needs?”
“Oh heck, I don’t know! I’ve only seen a five-line summary overview the agency sent me. You’ve read my resume – do you think I’m a good fit?”
“Er, I’m not sure, because I haven’t seen the job spec either”.
Case 7
“What did you make of our corporate mission statement in the brochure we sent you?”
“Well, to be honest, I really couldn’t understand what it meant”.
“Phew – thank goodness for that!”
“Beg pardon?”
“I’m relieved because frankly, nobody here can understand it either”.
Case 8
“What would you describe as your greatest achievement to date and the thing that you’re proudest of?”
“Well, I think having my children has to be number one by a long shot”.
“No, I meant something important that you had to work hard to deliver on”.
Poor old HR. All that training and political awareness-raising.
Was it all for nothing?